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The Emotion of Getting Married
EVENTs PLANNER and designer
L'emozione di SposarVi - Sede Legale: Corso G. Agnelli 8, Torino - c/o Wedding & Event - Partita IVA 09583130019 - Powered by Ualà
The tableau de mariage need to make order in the room. In this way, each guest will know where to sit according to the instructions given to us by the bride and groom, and also will clearly show your guests their place and avoid unnecessary disorders opening.
We create with imagination and respecting the theme of the wedding. Exposes you to the entrance of the reception room. It must be well cared for, and to do so we always ask that at least 2 days before you can have the detailed list of the guests by the bride and groom with a map of the room. A council is also to take into account, to the extent possible, of the relationships between the guests. For the rest to us!
The Emotion of Getting Married